Buying an electric bike, new or used, is often a considerable investment. Therefore, you'll want to know if you'll get your money's worth over the bike's lifetime. Like regular bikes, electric...
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When riding a regular bike, the sight of a steep hill may have you wincing over the thought of a hot and sweaty slog to the top. Which is one of the reasons why electric bikes are so popular. But how...
Mending a puncture on an electric bike is much like mending one on a normal bike. However, a lot of electric bikes are much heavier, so if you need to do any lifting it might make the procedure a bit...
Electricity and water don't mix. It’s what everyone is taught at school all over the world. It’s why so many people ask whether electric bikes are waterproof and whether they can or can’t get...
Bike couriers have been around for a long time now. Whether working as a bike messenger, delivering newspapers, food, or items from large suppliers like Amazon, bikes are super useful in highly built...
Cycling has been an extremely popular method of exercise for decades. In fact, Livestrong estimates that around 42% of all households in the world own a bicycle. They’re so good for exercise that...